Sys3xxGateway is a powerful and flexible software to convert tightening result data and curves into different formats and forward all data reliably to other (industry standard) systems.
Sys3xxGateway is a powerful and flexible software to convert tightening result data and curves into different formats and forward all data reliably to other (industry standard) systems.
In addition to support for standard interfaces (e.g. Sciemetric QualityWorX, Ford CDM, ToolsNet, Microsoft SQL Server, ...), the integrated LUA scripting language makes it possible to generate almost any data format with data/curves (e.g. CSV, XML, Audi CAQ, OpCon, ...). This means that existing customer-specific interfaces can also be easily connected.
As a standalone installation (together with Microsoft SQL Server), screw data and curves can be stored in a database for a long time - the included curve viewer allows a flexible and fast search via the database and the overlaying of curves.